We then set up a second selector that specifies a sequence number of2 along with the group identifier. 然后,我们将设置第二个选择器,以执行序列号2和相应的组标识符。
The queue manager will then continue to use the same group identifier and increment the sequence number each time. 队列管理器将随后继续使用相同的组标识符,并在每次递增序列号。
Each message in the group is assigned a sequence number starting at1. 组中的每个消息都分配了一个序列号(从1开始)。
We achieve this by setting up a new consumer on each iteration that selects based on the group identifier and sequence number that we require. 为此,我们将在每个迭代上设置一个新使用者,以根据组标识符和所需的序列号进行选择。
This internal sequence number is reset to0 if an unavailable event was detected. 如果探测到不可用事件,那么这个内部序号复位为0。
Internally, the case management asset sample code stores the sequence number on the CaseNumber custom object. 在内部,案例管理资产示例代码把序号存储在定制对象CaseNumber中。
Resetlogs simply means the sequence number for the redo logs is reset. resetlogs只表明重新设置了重做日志的序列号。
This can be done by using a timestamp or sequence number contained in the row, or by adding every column in the row to the WHERE clause of the UPDATE. 这可以通过使用数据行中包含的时间戳或序列号来进行,也可将数据行的每个列字段添加到UPDATE的WHERE子句中。
If you do not specify a sequence number, the system retrieves the most recently run command. 如果不指定序号,那么系统会检索最近运行的命令。
Register the sequence number, interrupt nature, and thread attributes to the main program. 向主程序注册序号、中断属性和线程属性。
The first argument is a file sequence number, which will be used to form the result filename. 第一个参数是一个文件序列号,用来组成结果文件名。
Typically, the nonce can be implemented as a counter ( a sequence number) or as a timestamp. 现时标志通常能实现为计数器(一个序列数)或者时间戳。
The volume ID of the disk is a combination of the LSS ( Logical Sub System) and the disk sequence number. 磁盘的卷ID是LSS(逻辑子系统)和磁盘序列号的组合。
This standalone JMS Client is modified to generate messages having a sequence number in the payload. 可以修改这个独立JMSClient以生成在工作负载中有一个序列号的消息。
The SEQUENCE number field tells the number of times this event has occurred. SEQUENCEnumber字段会显示事件发生的次数。
You can resolve OAB download issues by reviewing event log entries, which involves examining the error code and OAB sequence number. 通过查看事件日志条目(包括检查错误代码和oab序号)可以解决oab下载问题。
For a new e-mail message, Database Mail starts with the account that has the lowest sequence number. 对于新的电子邮件,数据库邮件从序列号最小的帐户开始。
Log sequence number of the most recent checkpoint at the time the backup was created. 创建备份时最近一个检查点的日志序列号。
Assigns a sequence number for this event, if one has not been set by the event source. 如果事件源没有设置序号的话,那么为这个事件分配一个序号。
When a log file is full, exchange closes it and renames it with a sequence number. 如果日志文件已满,exchange会将其关闭,并使用序号对其重命名。
Clothes will be displayed in various parts of the sequence number, with key sequence can suture. 衣服各个部位会显示数字的顺序,用方向键按顺序缝合即可。
Log sequence number of the first transaction in the backup set. 备份集中第一个事务的日志序列号。
The last processed transaction sequence number. 上次处理的事务序列号。
A simple practical solution to this problem is to add a sequence number to our buffer class, and process the data in the buffer if the buffer sequence number is in order. 一个简单的实际解决这一问题的办法是增加一个序列编号,以我们的缓冲级,并过程中的数据缓冲区,如果缓冲区的序列号是在命令。
This IE contains a PDCP sequence number and a hyper frame number. 该IE包含一个PDCP序列号和一个超帧号。
A unique transaction sequence number identifies each transaction, and these unique numbers are recorded for each row version. 唯一的事务序列号标识每个事务,并且为每个行版本记录这些唯一的编号。
Each transaction is identified by a transaction sequence number that is assigned when the transaction begins. 每个事务都由事务开始时分配的事务序列号标识。
Indicates the generation sequence number of the last log file that has been copied. 指示已复制的上一个日志文件的生成序号。
The first item of replication metadata we'll discuss is the Update Sequence Number ( USN). 我们要讨论的第一个复制元数据项目是更新序列号(USN)。
The sequence number determines the order in which database mail uses accounts in the profile. 序列号可以确定数据库邮件使用配置文件中的帐户的顺序。